Life Funding Eligibility

A banner image showing the watch face of the Spacetalk Life recreating oanalogue clock flace and showing a senior person checking their watch whilst exercising.

You may be eligible for government funding for your Spacetalk Life.

Check with your care or service provider to assess suitability.

Home Care Package (HCP)

Work together with a home care provider to improve your safety, wellbeing and help reach your goals with Spacetalk Life.

    • If you are over 65 and have an HCP, speak with your adviser or package manager and request a review for this product*.

    • Under the HCP, you can be funded for the watch and app in initial set up- but the network SIM and ongoing app cost will be your responsibility.

Visit the HCP website for more information.

Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)

Ideal for seniors living independently to support independence and social connection within their community.

  • If you are over 65 and have CHSP services - speak to your provider and ask if you have a service code for Goods, Equipment and Assistive Technology*.

  • Your provider can review your case and request a code if you are eligible and do not have one.
  • If you are over 65 and have previously had CHSP services or never had services - contact My Aged Care and request an assessment.
  • Under the CHSP, you may be funded for the watch and app in initial set up, but the network SIM and ongoing app cost will be your responsibility.

Visit the CHSP web page for more information

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The NDIS recognises the valuable role smart devices play in enhancing independence and improving quality of life.

  • If you are an NDIS participant and have consumables funded in your plan and you are Self-Managed or Plan Managed you may be eligible to claim the device, app and SIM plan as the total cost is under $1500.
  • Speak with your coordinator to review the purchase against your goals of independence
  • .
  • If you are an NDIS participant and are Agency managed, you may need an assessment from an Occupational Therapist (OT) to enable the purchase.
  • It should be possible to claim the cost of the watch, app and SIM, your care provider will be able to confirm eligibility.

Visit the NDIS web page for more information.

Case by Case

In all instances, cases will be assessed on an individual basis. Your service provider will help you determine whether you may be eligible to receive financial support in purchasing the Spacetalk Life device, the app subscription and / or the network provider SIM plan also.

If you are over 65 and do not already have any existing support plans - we advise you to seek assessment from MyAgedCare for eligibility for funding. You will need a CHSP code for Goods, Equipment and Assistive Technology or a Home Care Package to access funding for the watch.

You may require an Occupational Therapist (OT) or other assessment prior, depending upon your individual needs (My Aged Care will advise). Please note, no post purchase rebates are available for Aged Care Services.

If you are not eligible for funding (NDIS or Aged Care Services), you can purchase the device, app subscription and then also the SIM plan from a network provider.

*You may require an Occupational Therapist (OT) assessment or training in the device, depending upon your individual needs (this will be at an additional cost but may be funded from your package).